At the start of the season, our latest children’s theater production full of music, light and imagination invites you to dream with eyes wide open: A Quarter to Night (3+) is playing in September at the Schaubude and FELD Theater for young audiences in Berlin!

Electric shadows (4+) will visit in October two international festivals: the Bábkarská Bystrica, 24th International Festival of Contemporary Puppet Theatre for Children and Adults in Slovakia and the International Shadow Theater Festival in Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany!

We are looking forward to go on a big tour from mid-October to the end of December: A Quarter to Night (3+) will be presented at the Vorarlberger Landestheater in Bregenz (AT), TAK Theater Liechtenstein (LI), gz buchegg in Zurich (CH), FITZ in Stuttgart (DE), Escher Theater in Esch-sur-Alzette (LU) and at the international theater festival Théâtre à tout âge in Brittany (FR).

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Senat Berlin englisch

We are delighted about the two-year basic funding in 2024 and 2025 from the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion!

Accessibility of our shows:
All shows by florschütz & döhnert invite the audience to experience theater with their individual prior experience and abilities. The productions work without words and are visually comprehensible. The associative visual language is open to people of all ages! Beyond language skills, the productions offer a “reading” between the lines and complex sensory impressions on several levels, which can be experienced according to ability.

The resonance from deaf and hard of hearing people, people with limited mobility, cognitive and mental impairments and other disabilities reflects good barrier-free access.

a quarter to nighta quarter to nightTheatre for children aged 3+

A quarter to night

Theatre with objects, figures and music

without spoken language

Duration: 35 minutes
Recommended age for groups: 3-6 years
New theatre show in 2024!

When the night comes, you dream with your eyes closed … and sometimes with them open! Is there a colorful carpet dancing? What’s floating majestically across the stage, like a diva? Isn’t there a little yellow something scurrying around? … shy, confused, funny, amusing, and high-spirited?

With fabulous visual and acoustic ideas, the duo florschütz & döhnert play with the imaginations of people young and old. Sometimes all it takes is a piece of fabric to create fascinating worlds in which absurd, astonishingly lively, and freedom-loving creatures are brought to life on the border between dream and reality.

Collective creation: Michael Döhnert, Joachim Fleischer, Melanie Florschütz
Artistic collaboration and light: Joachim Fleischer
Scenography, objects, play: Michael Döhnert, Melanie Florschütz
Live music and composition: Michael Döhnert
Costume designer: Adelheid Wieser

Production: florschütz & döhnert

Coproduction: Escher Theater, internationales Erlangen, TAK Theater Liechtenstein, Nordland Visual Theatre

Financially funded by: Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion, Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. With the support of the company ACTA as part of the Pépite residency scheme, with the financial assistance of the European Union.

World premiere: 13. April 2024 at SCHAUBUDE Berlin (DE)

Next date:

27.10.2024 TAK Theater Liechtenstein (LI) 

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Unterstützer englisch Viertel vor Nacht
Viertel vor Nacht 01
Ausschnitt vvn Titel 2
Ausschnitt vvn Titel 3

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You can download a photo in high resolution quality by clicking on the Link in the gallery.

Requirements for the stage (PDF)
Press kit (PDF)

Watch our Trailer on Vimeo. 

All photos are released for publication with the photographer’s name,
which you will find in the gallery under the photo.

Titel Schreibschrift englTitel Schreibschrift englFor children aged 4+

BIG BOX & small orchestra

On stage there is a big box: like a huge package, a phone booth, a work shop, an elevator, a spaceship…?  There are street lights growing out of the box. A tiny conductor slides across the stage and gives the beat. A couple is dancing. A dog’s leash takes the hat off the head. The box turns over and decides to be a table…

What kind of powers are these that are putting things in motion?
Let’s follow the stories that are being moved by the objects!

Between manipulation and autonomy everything on stage starts to play with each other: the light, the music, the people and the objects. It’s the power of imagination that a box can be much more than just a box…

Theatre with objects and live music
Without words
Recommended for children between 4-8 years old,
in pre-school and primary school classes 1-4
Duration: 40-45 minutes

Production: florschütz & döhnert

Coproduction : Association Nova Villa – Festival Méli’môme,
Escher Theater, Rotondes Luxembourg, T-Werk, TAK Theater Liechtenstein, Très Tôt Théâtre, scène conventionnée Art Enfance Jeunesse – Quimper.
Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin
Support: Brotfabrik Bonn, SCHAUBUDE Berlin

Idea: Michael Döhnert and Melanie Florschütz
Scenography, objects, play: Michael Döhnert and Melanie Florschütz
Artistic collaboration and light: Joachim Fleischer
Live music and composition: Michael Döhnert
Costume designer: Adelheid Wieser

Premiere: 11th september 2021 at the Schaubude Berlin

Unterstuetzerlogos BigBox
BB 01
BB 02

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You can download a photo in high resolution quality by clicking on the Link in the gallery.

Requirements for the stage (PDF)
Press kit (PDF)

All photos are released for publication with the photographer’s name,
which you will find in the gallery under the photo.

Watch our Trailer on vimeo.

Klick klack knurpselKlick klack knurpselA handmade, electronic concert for everyone from 7 years up

The duo florschütz & döhnert has created a small orchestra that generates rhythms with its own sounds as if by magic. A small stick sets the beat like a conductor. A drumstick whizzes through the air without any echo. When a drum is carefully added, it begins to groove audibly. Loudspeaker membranes bounce and buzz. In the beat of “Klick Klack Knurpsel” electric guitar melodies and soundscapes rise up, inviting you to dream.

Duration: approx. 35 minutes

By and with: Michael Döhnert and Melanie Florschütz

Production: florschütz & döhnert

Von und mit: Michael Döhnert und Melanie Florschütz

Produktion: florschütz & döhnert

Klick klack knurpsel  01

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All photos are released for publication with the photographer’s name,
which you will find in the gallery under the photo.

Watch our excerpt from the concert 1 on vimeo.
Watch our excerpt from the concert 2 on vimeo.

Titel BB open air englischTitel BB open air englischFor children aged 4+

BIG BOX open-air

BIG BOX & small orchestra” can also be performed open-air. Outdoor in the dark, we are autonomous in terms of our lighting. In the daylight we will play another version without light, only with the big box and his small electronic orchestra.

The adaptation for outdoor spaces was created in co-production with the Erlangen. Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Unterstützer BB open air
BB open air 01

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You can download a photo in high resolution quality by clicking on the Link in the gallery.

Requirements for the stage (PDF)

All photos are released for publication with the photographer’s name,
which you will find in the gallery under the photo.

Titel Electric ShadowsTitel Electric ShadowsTheatre for children aged 4+

Electric Shadows

This is a strange kind of machine: it rolls on and off, forwards, backwards, it shakes, it hums, it murmurs, it squeaks and it rattles like a train about to leave. Everything turns and transforms. Things as we know them start to behave strangely and develop a life of their own. Even the shadows detach themselves from the objects and go for a walk.

Welcome to a fantastic workshop that sharpens the senses!
40 minutes of rotations with light and shadows, sounds and music.

Theatre with objects and live music
Without words
Duration of the show: 40 minutes

Production: florschütz & döhnert
Coproduction: Festival Momix du Créa – Scène conventionnée jeune public d`Alsace, ROTONDES Luxembourg, Schlachthaustheater Bern Switzerland, TAK Theater Liechtenstein
Funded by: Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V., Senatskanzlei Berlin Kulturelle Angelegenheiten

Idea: Michael Döhnert, Joachim Fleischer, Melanie Florschütz
Artistic collaboration and light: Joachim Fleischer
Scenography, objects, play: Michael Döhnert
und Melanie Florschütz
Live music and Composition: Michael Döhnert
Scene painter: Wolf Dieckmann
Costume designer: Adelheid Wieser

Premiere: 15 September 2018 SCHAUBUDE BERLIN

Next date:

29.01.2025 TJP Centre Dramatique National, Strasbourg – Grand Est (FR) 

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Unterstützer Elektrische Schatten
Elektrische Schatten
Elektrische Schatten 02
Elektrische Schatten 04

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You can download a photo in high resolution quality by clicking on the Link in the gallery.


Requirements for the stage (ZIP)
Press kit (PDF)

All photos are released for publication with the photographer’s name,
which you will find in the gallery under the photo.

Ein Loch ist meistens rundEin Loch ist meistens rundTheatre for children aged 4+

Ein Loch ist meistens rund
Un petit trou de rien du tout
A hole in the air and everywhere

„Have you ever sawed a hole? And then? Was it gone?“
florschütz & döhnert are researching the phenomenon of holes. They are making holes. The more holes they are making, the bigger the possibilities that are surprisingly opening up. This is because a hole is a door that leads elsewhere: a tiny hole is enough to make you an explorer. With a good sense of humour florschütz & döhnert start out on an expedition into the realm of imagination. They are playing with dimensions and with the illusion of it. A magic theatre play, mysteriously and exciting as a detective story, with lots of space for the important aspects of holes: you can’t really grasp it.

Theatre. Magic. Objects
Without words

Premiere: 12th september 2015 at SCHAUBUDE Berlin

Production: florschütz & döhnert
Coproduction: ROTONDES Luxembourg, Brotfabrik Bonn
Funded by: Senatskanzlei Berlin, Kulturelle Angelegenheiten;
Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin and Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V.

Artistic collaboration and Lightdesign: Joachim Fleischer
Idea, scenography, objects, play:
Melanie Florschütz and Michael Döhnert
Scene painter: Wolf Dieckmann
Costume designer: Adelheid Wieser
Advice of magic tricks: Andreas Meinhardt

Unterstützer Logos Rund
Ein Loch ist meistens rund – A hole in the air and everywhere – un petit trou de rien tu tout
Ein Loch ist meistens rund – A hole in the air and everywhere – un petit trou de rien tu tout

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You can download a photo in high resolution quality by clicking on the Link in the gallery.

Press kit (PDF)
Requirements for the stage (ZIP)

All photos are released for publication with the photographer’s name,
which you will find in the gallery under the photo.

Ssst!Ssst!Theatre for children aged 2 and older

A trouser pocket is unfathomable. 

Sometimes you may happen to find a white rabbit in there and then you have your hands full. Because, normally, these white rabbits live under a magician’s hat and they tend to appear and disappear as they please. What should you do with the rabbit?Is it supposed to eat, drink, sleep? Rubbish. – With a white rabbit like that you can only dream.

With nearly nothing but a pile of humour and music, two actors create a fascinating richness of fantasy.

Idea, scenography, play: 

Michael Döhnert und Melanie Florschütz

Artistic collaboration:

Joachim Fleischer, Werner Hennrich, Hendrik Mannes

Music: Michael Döhnert

Costume designer: Adelheid Wieser

Scene painter: Wolf Dieckmann

Première: 28 th september 2012 in the SCHAUBUDE Berlin

Production: florschütz & döhnert
Coproduction with: 

Méli’môme – Reims / Festival Reims Scènes d’Europe

Funded by:

Konzeptförderung soziokulturelle Zentren NRW, gefördert durch das Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen 
and Kulturverwaltung des Landes Berlin.

Supported by: TRAFFO_CarréRotondes.

Next date:

13.03.2025 FORUM Leverkusen (DE) 

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Unterstützer Logos Ssst

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Press kit (PDF)
Requirements for the stage (ZIP)

All photos are released for publication with the photographer’s name,
which you will find in the gallery under the photo.

For children from 2 years

A trip to the wonderland of gravity

Falling is easy.

Flying is hard.

Dreaming is fragile like an egg. 

An egg wants to fly, but it should not fall down because it would break. While the egg is dreaming of flying, a man and a woman are acting out all kinds of possibilities of falling and flying in a charmingly clownish and funny way. Using pictures and words they both tell of the difference between lightness/weightlessness and weight/gravity. There are certain rules: a feather hovers, a bag slumps down. But does a house, a chair or a human being fly? Every rule has its exception. There is a lot between up and down, between heaven and earth; and poetically everything is possible, even flying.

Winner of the IKARUS Award 2008 for an extraordinary play for young audiences in Berlin. Invited to the 10th festival AugenblickMal! in Berlin as one of five best shows for children of the year 2009 in whole Germany.

Perspective: Werner Hennrich

Play, images, sound: Michael Döhnert and Melanie Florschütz

Production: florschütz & döhnert

in coproduction with Theater o.N. and SCHAUBUDE Berlin

Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V.

Thanks to Andrea Kilian

Photographs: Thomas Ernst

Next date:

12.11.2024 FITZ, Stuttgart (DE) 

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Logos Förderer Rawums
rawums 01
rawums 02
rawums 04

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You can download a photo in high resolution quality by clicking on the link in the gallery.

Press kit (PDF)
Requirements for the stage (ZIP)

All photos are released for publication with the photographer’s name,
which you will find in the gallery under the photo.